Homemade Yogurt with Probiotics



Homemade Yogurt with Probiotics

One thing I make sure to do is eat yogurt every day. Check out what yogurt ingredients you need. I like to use kefir for my probiotics for homemade yogurt because kefir has 12 live and active cultures of probiotics compared to the few that store bought yogurt has. I like to use organic whole milk from grass fed cows but any whole milk would work great!


  • 1 gallon Whole Organic Milk
  • 1 cup Kefir or yogurt (culture starter)


  • Heat up milk on medium heat in a large saucepan to 180°. Stir consistently to make sure the milk does not burn on the bottom on the pot.
  • Once the milk reaches 180°, allow the milk to cool down to 110°.
  • Measure out kefir and thin it out by slowly adding milk into the kefir.
  • Add this mixture into the milk and mix well.
  • Transfer the milk mixture into clean and sanitized glass jars.
  • Incubate the jars in a large pot or pressure cooker that has water that is heated to 110° for 8 hours.
  • After 8 hours, put jars in refrigerator and enjoy!

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