What’s With The Energy Right Now?


April 2024 Astrological Energy Overview 

Well, let me tell you – we’re still in the middle of eclipse season which can be described as a full moon on steroids. There is an intensity and quickening of energy here. This energy asking us to embrace raw authenticity and work on letting go of people-pleasing tendencies.  It is highlighting our sense of self, our identify, our likes/dislikes, who we truly are (Aries) through finding balance and fairness in relationship patterns and relationship dynamics (Libra). This is relationship with ALL things – people, places, work, friends, family, materials, thought forms. You may witness how daily interactions with people are triggering you to allow an awareness to come to the surface of any imbalances in relationships. You may find if you have any unhealthy attachments or where energy is not being reciprocated. This is showing up so you can stand in your power and reaffirm what you are willing to tolerate in your life. Letting go of making everybody else happy and keeping peace by staying quiet. By standing in who you truly are now and allowing your wants/needs to be understood. You may feel as though you are in the middle of a rebirth of who you truly are.

There is a rare conjunction happening with Chiron (The wounded healer – the wound we came here to heal and gift to others) and the north node (life path/purpose/direction/destiny) in Aries at this time. Chiron could represent an inner child wound or our deepest darkest fears. Something that we locked away, hid, and abandoned about ourself. These deep wound or fears that have been buried within us lifetime after lifetime are now coming to the surface to be healed, to be acknowledged, to be worked through. This wound has been something we have carried within us for eons. There is a deep heaviness felt here. Now that it is conjunct the north node, there is a fated opening here. Opening up a fresh area of our self identity, healing journey, and how we are learning to trust ourselves. We are learning to accept that part of ourself, heal that aspect, and learning to love that part of us. Much like nurturing a young child. Chiron is represented by a key, and it represents the key that will set us free. Coming in conjunction with the North node, it is destined, it is part of the path forward.

The North Node in Aries invites us to focus on unleashing our spontaneous selves and discovering who we are independently from our relationships and from the roles we tend to assume in our connections with others. Learning to be true to ourselves, honor our desires, and follow our path even when it might mean disappointing others will be a major theme of the upcoming year. The last time the North Node was in Aries was between November 2004 and June 2006. Looking back to what happened around that time could give us clues and hints about what themes could be especially relevant for us in the upcoming months: observe how you reacted in the past and think about how you would react now to similar situations. This energy will continue to unfold until mid 2025 as Aries/Libra are our current nodes of fate.

You may be currently feeling a restlessness, an anticipatory energy. You may feel unsettled in your nervous system. This weekend we will experiencing the most important astrological alignment of 2024: a rare conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter = expansive, larger than life, abundance, Wheel of Fortune, while Uranus shows up as sudden unexpected change, for the greater good of all by doing something new and different, being innovative. While being in Taurus (fixed energy), we may feel like resisting that change. There may be sudden insights or downloads or revolutionary understandings at this time. This could be related to how we feel grounded, secure, supported, our finances, how we find beauty in this world, and how we build for the future. This is not to invoke fear, while change usually does invoke fear in some. With Jupiter here, the changes will be beneficial (although it may not feel that way for all in the moment). The last time Jupiter and Uranus were in Taurus together was in 1941.

While having Mars in Pisces, there may be an energy of wanting to escape, to not face reality.

Mercury is in retrograde in Aries right now. It is a time to slow down, to rethink, reorganize, reconsider. Watch your tongue and watch for any impulsive behaviors. Think it through before you take action. Get clear. Tie up any loose ends.

With Pluto in Aquarius, you will see more truths come out. There’s no hiding in Pluto in Aquarius. All lies, deceptions, and hidden truths will be revealed to us. You have already been witnessing that energy at play in a broader sense, such as with the entertainment industry. Pluto is breaking down and destroying all aspects of our false self so we can show up as our unique individual and authentic self.  There is a highly innovative, future oriented theme being uncovered for the next 20 years. It represents the greater good of all, humanitarianism.  Keep in mind this is the energy of the next 20 years, really uncovering what has been buried deep beneath the surface and hidden from plain sight. Future oriented. Technology focused. The time of TRUTH is now.

Something to note about astrology is that energy is not definitive. There is a flow and a peak experience, so although you may have heard about this great eclipse last week, you may be feeling the intensity of that energy NOW because energy is always flowing and evolving. When you hear something is happening on X date, it doesn’t always mean that something with occur on that exact day, but it means that the energy will start to build and develop.

We are headed toward the unknown, but the message is to trust that you are always divinely protected and guided, that everything is working out for your best and highest good. With Saturn in Pisces, it is really important to reconnect with your higher self, the universe, god, source, brahman, the tao, whatever it is for you. Know and understand there is benevolence everywhere. We must start to live from that place. Engage in practices that allow you to reconnect with yourself, to become centered, such as yoga, meditation, or whatever form that works best for you.

Now this energy will show up differently in every single person’s life depending on their natal astrology chart. I am happy to say that I will be offering natal astrology chart readings in the near future. Know thy self and empower yourself by understanding your unique energetic makeup.

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