With this Full Moon in Sagittarius there are opportunities for positive change, deep realizations, and alignment with new values. All full moons bring on a culmination of some sort, an illumination on something that may have been previously unknown. This moon in particular is more of an integration energy, a resetting. Think of when you have to upgrade the software on your phone, it is always completed with a manual reset of the device. Integration period. Sudden and unexpected events or insights can still be occurring. Things you weren’t expecting could now be presented as an opportunity for you or in your hands now. Venus conjunct Jupiter is another beneficial aspect that could show up as a realization of what truly matters to us and how we value ourself and others. Are there any outdated belief systems that are operating your subconscious behaviors/mind? What do we truly find beautiful in this life?

Jupiter making a positive trine to Pluto in Aquarius the energy may show up something we wanted to do regarding a positive change for the future can finally take foot or get started. Jupiter in Taurus at 29 degrees, the final degrees of Taurus and a Pleiadian degree point.  The 29th degree is a completion energy, a graduation, a total understanding. This is huge. Allowing us access to higher levels of consciousness, of peace, of love, and harmony.  While this energy is extremely positive, it may cause inner friction because Jupiter wants to expand quickly and abundantly without stopping to think, while Taurus prefers to build slowly, steadily, taking one step at a time. Just know that with this expansion, it is best to make sure the foundations are clear and sturdy before moving forward. 

With the sun in opposition to the moon in Gemini, this full moon can feel very busy intellectually.  Gemini govern the mind and communication. It is represented by the twins, a dualistic nature. A balancing of the dualistic nature is favorable. This Full Moon may highlight your intellect, your mind, your communication, how your mind processes information, your daily environment surrounding your belief systems, your values, your philosophies, the way you value yourself and others, finances, structure, how you find stability. This energy may be bringing our attention to our communication. Is what we are communicating and thinking inline with our new belief system? Is what we are saying an accurate reflection of what truly matters to us and what we really value in life? Are we saying one thing, yet feeling the complete opposite on the inside? This energy will highlight receiving information and spreading of information. Is your communication held with integrity? It would be best to be extra mindful of any communications that go out during this time, especially electronically. At the same time, we may be opened up to new understandings, new perspectives, new ways of thinking and communicating. 

We will have Mars in Aries conjunct Chiron in a few days, so you may feel an immediate stop. What you may perceive as a slow down or a road block but it is actually a beneficial stop. It could be like as if you are at a red light and ready to push on the gas, but a car runs the light at the last minute. With this slowdown your life could be saved, so if anything comes up, just try to remember that it will be beneficial in the long run. Especially since Chiron, the wounded healer, is working directly with our North Node of Destiny in Aries. Remember that Chiron is the wound that we have been working through on multiple timelines and lifetimes that will help us align to our authentic self/path.  

Our new belief systems, our new value systems, and this new way that we find beauty in this world will be a culmination point from all of the deep healing and excavation that took place over the past few months. There is no doubt about the fact that we have been undergoing deep, painful healing work collectively, but this is helping to shape our new identity. Who we truly want to be in this world and where we are meant to go.

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius everybody! Remember that energy is constantly in motion – That means that this energy can be felt for days leading up to the full moon and days after. It is not all felt on one day and then over. Rest, listen, allow, integrate, renew. <3

Also, please note that this energy will be working with different parts of your life depending on your Natal Astrology Chart. If you want to book a reading with me in the future, please sign up for my mailing list below!

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