Finding Balance Within Rest and Discipline


As we transition from the energetic and social Gemini season into the more introspective and nurturing energy of Cancer, you may start to feel a slow down of energy. Gemini represents the mind, communication, and the intellect. The energy could have felt very busy and fast moving. The energy of Gemini is social, extroverted, and surrounded by people, and always doing. The energy can QUICKLY become exhausting if off balance. We may have just spent a lot more of our time/energy with people, communicating with people, or around more people than usual. As we enter into Cancer season, we may be feeling burned out or that we need a break. It could suddenly feel like “too much.”

The current energy is highlighted through an opposition of energy of Cancer and Capricorn. Capricorn is where we start and end the Gregorian calender. The energy can be looked at as a checking in point. Where are you compared to the goals or intentions you set at the beginning of the year. Are you on track or far off? Where do you need to let go, shift, and adjust? Where do you need to take more responsibility? Where can you use more discipline and structure? Do you still have the same goals or values or is it time to refine where you are headed?

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which is associated with the father figure, it represents our physical reality, often times showing up as a “reality check.” The energy can be described by getting the report card, receiving the credit card bill, getting a ticket. A reality check. Are you happy with where you are right now? Cancer is the motherly, intuitive, and sensitive energy.  With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer, we may be called to rest and take a break. We may want to just do some self care and take a day off. We may prefer staying in with a face mask and watching a good movie at this time. We may be shown where we are not taking care of ourselves. Are we taking care of ourselves, mentally, physically and emotionally? Or have we been working too hard and ignoring our true inner feelings? Our home, our roots, and where we come from may be highlighted at this time. 

What did you intend at the beginning of 2024? How did you want your life to be different? Was it creating more healthy habits, furthering your career, spend more time with loved ones, trying new things, taking better care of yourself? Where can you find more grounding in this area of your life by getting organized, staying committed and moving toward these goal? 

Capricorn is at 1 degree, which is the starting point of Capricorn. The Capricorn areas of your chart have been going through a massive transformation since 2008, as we had Pluto in Capricorn since then. Our next Full Moon on July 21 will be in Capricorn in 29 degrees. The answers that you are seeking to get back on track are being shown to you over the next month. Find patience and faith. 

Mars is currently in Taurus. Mars wants to take action and move quickly, while Taurus favors stability and moving slowly and steadily. So taking action at this time may not feel necessarily “easy” at this time. With Uranus in Taurus, we will continue to see “weird earth activity.”

As Neptune sits in Pisces at 29 degrees and 56 seconds, we are at the final SECONDS of Pisces energy. This is very symbolic in an astrological sense. This is the energy of spiritual confirmation. This could be shown to you through your dreams, meditation, or within the subconscious mind. 

Let yourself the time to rest this month, allow yourself to be guided by your intuition and feel into things. Allow yourself to fully understand which direction you want to move and allow the intuitive guidance of the next steps to get there. Stay open and flow. 

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