
A week ago today my sister had a routinely scheduled MRI. The doctor said with wide eyes, almost in shock, “It looks really good…it actually looks like it’s even getting better.” A year ago today the same doctors gave little sign of hope. They put her on palliative care, she had an advanced directive, and even had to submit her will. Glioblastoma can double in size and grows the size of a golf ball in just 7 days. Average survival rate is 8-16 months.

I refused to believe that was her fate. I researched every damn thing on this planet that could help her heal from this. And something worked. The tumor from my sister’s 3rd reoccurrence of Glioblastoma brain cancer, DISAPPEARED, just after 5 months. No surgery, no chemotherapy, and no radiation.

Because of the location of her tumor, the doctors ruled against it since surgery would have done more harm than good. The tumor stopped responding to chemotherapy so the doctors took her off of it. And she received the maximum amount of radiation back in 2020, so the doctors would not allow her to receive anymore. So they put her on 2 different types of immunotherapies. These immunotherapies do not target tumors, but instead they boost the immune system. I am in no way going against modern medicine, but my sister did not have that option so I want to make that clear. If you have the option for surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, I do recommend going with that in conjunction with everything below.

When we got the news of her cancer, I was in desperate search for someone who had been through this before…for some hope or guidance. That is the reason I am writing today. In hopes that I can be that source for you or your loved one during this time. 

5% of Glioblastoma patients live past 5 years. My sister, Maki, is on her 7th year. Do not give up hope. Do not give into the statistics. YOU CAN HEAL. IT IS POSSIBLE. You just have to believe in yourself. You have to fight. You can’t give up.

It is very easy to get overwhelmed but it is important to take it one step at a time.

As my sister’s primary caregiver, this is the main advice I gave her – take what resonates with you.

The 3 main categories can be broken down into: Mindset, lifestyle, and medicinal food.

Mindset and lifestyle changes take time to cultivate but the medicinal food you can start immediately. I am not saying that this is 100% going to work. I can’t promise you that. But I can promise you that my sister is still alive today. I also have a friend whose mother had lung cancer that spread to her brain. I told him about the medicinal food below and her tumors also disappeared. THERE IS HOPE.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical provider, please consult your doctor and do your own research. I am just sharing my own personal experience with my sister.


  • Reduce all stress as possible- don’t stress the little stuff. None of that matters. Only you, your health and your healing. Do not be scared to ask for help. Others WANT to help you.
  • Be very cognizant of what you are thinking about- do not go down that rabbit hole. Do not constantly google. Everybody’s story is different. Do not allow yourself to dwell on worst case scenarios. You HAVE to shift your mindset. You have to BELIEVE you will survive. You have to convince yourself that YOU CAN BE THE MIRACLE. Always be conscious, aware, and prepared for any situation, but do not dwell or focus on worst case scenarios.
  • Do not allow yourself to dwell and become a victim of life’s circumstances. Take control of this situation, you have the power. REMEMBER THAT.
  • Very important to do things that bring you JOY, that bring you HAPPINESS. Do everything that is going to make you smile. Do the things that will brighten your day, even if it is just a little. Get yourself a bouquet of flowers, treat yourself to a spa day. Do something you normally wouldn’t do. Fill your daily life with love, peace, and gratitude.
  • Gratitude. Focus on gratitude. Be grateful for every damn day of your life. Be grateful to be able to see your friends and family. Be grateful to just be able to breathe. Be grateful for every single thing you have, the people you have in your life, everything, even the things that aren’t seemingly perfect. Expressing gratitude naturally attracts more things into your life to be grateful for.
  • Try giving Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza a read. He has been a neuroscientist for over 30 years and this book goes into detail about how thoughts alone can heal the human body. Highly recommend


  • Become aware of your environment- What are you listening to? What are you speaking about? What are you consuming on social media or TV? What is your physical environment? Your environment can either create peace and relaxation, or it can evoke stress and chaos. Spend more time in nature.
  • Become aware of the conversations you have and the people you are allowing into your auric field. It is so important to protect your energy. Speak love, speak gratitude, speak positivity, speak hope. Try to reduce negativity as much as possible. That shit eats you alive.
  • Remove all toxins from your life- you’d be surprised how many harmful toxic chemicals are in your everyday products. The things you put into your body, the things you put on top of your skin, the products you use to clean, etc. Become aware of the ingredients that are in the products you are using. There are natural products for almost everything nowadays.
  • Yoga and meditation is known to help reduce stress. Reducing stress and bringing peace into your life is extremely important.
  • MOVE – Move your body, go for a walk, gentle stretches and exercises. It is important to move the energy in your body.
  • Take it easy. do not over work yourself. You need to know your limits and know when it is time to relax. You only have a certain amount of energy per day. Focus on healing.

Medicinal Food:

  • Remove all processed food and drinks from your diet. Eat more organic. Eat more alkaline foods. Reduce acidic foods. Reduce take out foods- highly processed and full of awful oils. Try to reduce sugar intake. Look into healing foods, herbs, spices, organic produce…Food can be used as natural medicine. Eat more antioxidants.
  • Turkey tail is an adaptogenic mushroom. These are not psychedelic mushrooms. You can buy this at your health food grocery stores and I have even seen this brand sold at CVS. Paul Stamets is an American mycologist, who started the brand Host Defense. His mother (Age 86) was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer. She had multiple tumors in her chest, and the doctors gave her 3 months to live. He created the turkey tail medicinal medication and her tumors all disappeared. She had no trace of detectable cancer in her body and lived for an additional 10 years. Paul also created a documentary on Netflix called Fantastic Fungi that explains the connection between mushrooms and the human body/life. I highly suggest watching to get a more visual representation of how the mushrooms are healing your body.
  • This is the exact pill my sister and my friend’s mother used. I am not paid to endorse this product
  • THC/CBD – I did a ton of research on endocannabinoids for cancer. “Of particular interest are glioma studies in animals where relatively high doses of CBD and THC demonstrated significant regression of tumor volumes (approximately 50% to 95% and even complete eradication in rare cases). “ Here is a link to the case study: I advise getting on tinctures or edible forms of cannabis.

This can feel extremely overwhelming at first. I get it. Take ONE thing from this list to focus on per week. Everything in balance. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Take it slow. If you need help or have any questions, please feel free to send me a DM or email or comment. 🙏🏼 you got this.❤️

IG: @yukacalifornia

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  1. Hi. Thank you for sharing your amazing story. I’m taking my father and also trying to help him fight his cancer. Though the cancer is different from your sister’s, my father has multiple brain metastases. He was given three months back in November of 2021. He is still with us, but I feel like there’s always something more I could be doing for him. After reading about you and your sister’s journey, I’ve decided to add turkey tail to the list of supplements my father is taking. If it’s not too much trouble, could you kindly let me know what dosage your sister took per day? Thank you so much in advance.

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